Sixty-One Acres


P.O. Box 5121
Lakeland, FL 33807
(863) 205-1177

I first wrote this blog in March of 2017 as God had been doing some major renovations in my heart. I have continued to live life in minutes for 5 years now.  It has become a way of life.  Minutes make up hours, hours make up days, days make up months, and so on.  Deep heart transformation occurs one minute, hour, day, and month at a time. Perhaps you, too, will begin to live life in minutes. Won’t you join me on the journey?

I was a sweaty mess. My clothes were damp, my hair was matted to my neck and I was exhausted!  I had just gone to my first Zumba class and it was AWESOME!  I definitely wasn’t able to shake it like the Latino instructor did, but I wasn’t all that terrible!  As the room emptied of fellow Zumba-ees, I grabbed my water and waited as my friend gathered her belongings…or so I thought.

The next thing I know, I am on the ground in a face down position and the crazy woman….a’hem…friend is telling me to hold myself up. Level. Without moving. For an entire minute!  What? What is wrong with this woman? We just danced for a solid hour! How does she possibly have any energy left to do a plank? She is insane, I conclude.  “Dear friend, I am exhausted!  I cannot possibly hold myself up for a whole minute!” I say.

The next words out of her mouth would essentially change the entire course of how I want to live my daily life.  “Christi, you have given birth. Six times.  Some naturally. And one in your bathtub, for goodness sake! You can hold yourself up for one minute.  You can do anything for one minute, Christi.” Those words rang in my ear in a powerful way and for some reason that day, I believed them.

And so I did it.  I held myself up, level, without moving for one full minute.  And I did it again and again in the days to follow.  Because I CAN do anything for one minute.  Her words that day have penetrated virtually every area of my life.  I can do ANYTHING for one minute.

Are kind words escaping my lips for my child today?   Start being kind for one minute.
Is the patience completely gone today? Be patient for just one minute more.
Am I going crazy because he doesn’t understand the assignment again? Try for one more minute.
Am I tired of listening and I want to interject now? Listen for one more minute.
Am I in a hurry and really can’t listen to another child’s story? Slow down for one minute.
Do I have too much on my plate and just don’t have time to sit down with the Lord today? Offer Him one minute. And then the next…

We commonly hear the phrase “one day at a time.” But if I am being honest, an entire day can sometimes feel overwhelming!  There are days I need to look at my time in hours.  Other days, I have to take it one minute at a time.  My flesh is  often weak and to think of the entire day ahead of me can appear daunting.  But I can do anything for one minute!  When I am still, quiet and simply slow down, it never fails that God gives me just enough grace and strength for that minute.   And then the next.  One minute in Jesus’ presence can alter the next hour. I am no longer a slave to my flesh- my unkindness, impatience, and irritation- because I am a child of The King- the One who gives the gift of time, in minutes.  I can walk in Freedom and in Victory when I walk with Jesus one minute at a time.”

I have since come to have a more full understanding of what God was teaching me 5 years ago.  To live in freedom and victory with Jesus is equivalent to living and experiencing life with Him every minute of the day. Oftentimes we fall into doing things FOR our Savior rather than doing things WITH our savior.  It is His deep desire that we live life with Him- not out of a place of striving to please Him, but out of a place of intimate relationship.  Living our lives as minutes with Jesus develops our relationship with Him, helping us to gain a deeper sense of the realness and closeness of God.  

As we experience every minute of life, inviting Jesus into it, we learn to listen to our Shepherd.
As we listen to our Shepherd’s Voice, we begin abiding with Him.
As we abide, a deeper intimacy develops.
Intimacy builds trust.
Trust builds obedience.
Obedience builds transformation. 

What a gift God gives us: TIME. It is one of the most precious ways God shows His love for us. Take advantage of it, but don’t take it for granted.  Invite Him into it.  One minute at a time. 

Ideas for Living life in Minutes

  • Go outside, take a deep breath, lift your head toward the heavens, and feel the breeze (or warmth, cold, etc) on your face that He has given.
  • Ask God “Where are You in this moment?”
  • Recall some things God has done to provide for you in the past and thank Him.
  • Recognize God’s presence as you are performing mundane tasks.
  • Leave your Bible open on the counter and stop periodically through the day to read a verse.
  • Take a breath and focus on the fact that God Himself gave you that very breath!
  • Speak His Name when you are having a difficult moment.
  • Stop the routine for a moment and listen to some worship music.
  • Connect with a friend and talk about Jesus.
  • Just sit and BE with Jesus!



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