by | Aug 1, 2022 | Healing Our Hurts, Growing in God, Hearing God
Busy is not even close to describing the season I have just come out of. In the last 18 months, I have… Said goodbye to my grandmother Walked with a friend through the traumatic loss of her son Started ministry school Travelled out-of-state A LOT Graduated our son...
by | Jul 25, 2022 | Growing in God
The more I learn, the more I realize I have NO IDEA! God is taking me on yet another journey of even deeper learning how He created me. Self-reflection and self-discovery can be emotionally draining and exhausting! Especially when you thought you had already been...
by | Jul 11, 2022 | Giving It Away, Growing in God
Our first Little Sparrow flew the coop. She’s been testing flight for 5 years, leaving home for longer periods each time. This time, she flew away, never to return to the nest (to live) again. She walked the beautiful aisle-journey from her Daddy’s arms, into her...
by | Jun 27, 2022 | Hearing God, Growing in God
Click Here to read Part 1. I was at my breaking point and, as always, God had teed it up perfectly! My husband would be traveling soon for an entire week, which would provide more time for reflection about this dry place I found myself in. God began the process when...
by | Jun 20, 2022 | Growing in God, Healing Our Hurts
It had been 11 days since I had opened my journal- a rarity for this girl who loves Jesus and loves to write. Over the last 6 months, there had been fewer and fewer written words and more and more busy activity. Simultaneously, I was becoming more tired, unmotivated,...