The Beauty of Story

Recently, I was on a plane ride that took me across the country.  I started a movie, in hopes the time would pass quickly.  I chose Aretha– the story of America’s “Queen of Soul.” I love a good story and it is even better when it’s true!  I was fully immersed- feeling the emotions, singing the songs, and experiencing life through Aretha’s eyes.  At one point, her story overwhelmed me and tears began to well up in my eyes.  I couldn’t control it as the emotion streamed down my cheeks.  My husband looked over, perplexed.  I had succumbed to Aretha’s story- experiencing her hurts, pains, and confusion.  I understood her story.  Although mine was different, I could relate. Story: the building blocks of life.  Our entire existence is comprised of stories.  It is no wonder that God chose to compile a book that is full of them! His very Word is a collection of stories.  It begins with the story of creation and ends with the story of our future.  Jesus spoke in story form:  parables. His Father sent Him to fulfill a prophesied story and He came to redeem our stories. It is no wonder that Satan would like … Continue reading The Beauty of Story